An Australian Christian book is being used to help the victims of Hurricane Katrina come to grips with their tragedy.

The Christian radio ministry Truth for Life in America has donated nearly 1000 copies of John Dickson's book "If I Were God I'd End All The Pain" to a ministry in the city of Baton Rouge, LA - a neighbouring city of New Orleans.

The books, which were left over from a previous ministry activity of Truth for Life, will be distributed to refugees from Hurricane Katrina. 

The book, published by Matthias Media, tackles the thorny issue of suffering in our world and how, ultimately, the Bible can provide true comfort and understanding in times of personal tragedy.

"It's great to know that the books may be of comfort and help to those for whom we have been praying", said Matthias Media's Operations Manager, Ian Carmichael.

Meantime Hurricane Katrina has proved the effectiveness of faith-based organisations in responding to wide-spread disasters.

Hundreds of American congregations like the Church of Christ in Ocean Springs, Mississippi, have transformed themselves into relief supply centres.

“It looks more like a supermarket than a place of worship but we had to put the provisions somewhere,” says 62-year-old Eileen Logan, a member of the congregation tells the Reuters news agency.

She is helping co-ordinate her church’s emergency relief efforts, one of many American churches using their nation-wide networks to supplement US government efforts.

"If they’d waited for the federal government to move, they’d have to wait six months,” says Ed Humphries, an energetic Church of Christ minister from Pensacola in near-by Florida, who had spent the day stripping homes soaked by the ferocious Katrina.

Evangelical website Stand Firm has combined with the American Anglican Council to raise money for relief efforts, particularly those displaced and sheltering in neighbouring states.

The World Bible Translation Centre is sending a shipment of 100,000 Bibles to survivors of Hurricane Katrina in a bid to aid their spiritual recovery, reports Mission Network News.

While across the world, the World Evangelical Alliance, the largest international network of evangelical churches, is offering "helpful resources" for pastors wishing to respond to the spiritual, physical and emotional impact of Hurricane Katrina says Christian Today.

Copies of John Dickson's book "If I Were God I'd End All The Pain" are available through the Matthias Media website.

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