The first stage of the conversion of the Connect09 campaign into an ongoing program has begun with the launch of the slogan ‘Connect for Life’  and a new logo.

Archbishop Jensen announced in his presidential address last year that the Connect09 ‘active campaign’ would continue until Easter 2010 and that efforts would be made to embed the principles of community contact into ongoing activities.

Now, churches have been informed of several initiatives under the ‘Connect for Life’ banner, which will help them in community outreach, especially with the Connect resources such as the Essential Jesus, Colin Buchanan DVD and the magazine version of the gospel of Mark.

Feedback from the Connect09 campaign has mentioned the high quality of the resources and Archbishop Jensen has told recent Mission Areas meetings that ‘there’s plenty of life left’ in the publications.

Executive Director Andrew Nixon says not only are the children and youth resources still available, new video material is being developed to assist with Easter and Anzac Day outreach. 

But Mr Nixon warns the Good News Parcel Company DVD by Colin Buchanan, will only be available until Easter so he has urged congregations to order any additional supplies now.

Coming soon is the DVD version of the ‘Inspiring People’ series run by Connect09 in North Sydney, Parramatta and the CBD. This DVD resource will include a mix of full-length panel discussions and shorter clips panellists such as Peter Costello, Prof. Ian Harper, John Anderson, Dr Karin Sowada, Prof. Michael Spence and others.

Two other DVD resources will be produced especially for outreach events at Anzac Day and Easter.

As ANZAC Day falls on Sunday this year and is such a significant civic day, several churches have asked that the Archbishop record a message for use in Anzac services. There will also be additional video resources with an Anzac theme.

As well, Dr Jensen will record special Easter Messages, around 5 minutes each, relating to the book of Luke.

Mr Nixon says the messages will help churches connect with those who have already received a copy of The Essential Jesus, and in giving even more away.
Connect09 is also working with the Bible Society of NSW on a stand at the Royal Easter Show.

Capitalising on the recognition of the Jesus All About Life brand, the interdenominational stand will be under the JAAL banner and will be giving away up to 15,000 copies of Mark’s Magazine, Good News Parcel Company DVDs and the Audio Book of the Essential Jesus.

There will be many opportunities to connect and chat with some of the 1 million show visitors across the 14 days. Volunteers are needed to do 4 hour shifts.

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