‘Tis the day before Christmas.

All promotion of our services and events has been done. Many of our events have already taken place. Now we wait for people to come to church tomorrow and celebrate the birth of our Saviour.

While we wait (and unless you are doing some last minute adjustments to sermons, or wrapping presents!), let’s do some reflecting on church communication and outreach. I’d like to share with you a terrible Christmas campaign, a much more refreshing (and God-glorifying) concept, and hear what your church has been doing this Christmas to invite people from your local community to hear about Jesus.

1. Poor Joseph

This campaign (from an Anglican church in New Zealand) is a dead-set shocker. I wrote about it some more here: Offended and confused by blasphemous church poster.

2. Christmas at your Doorstep

Crossway Books has come up with the ‘Christmas at your doorstep’ campaign - discover more by watching the video below:

3. Thirteen more to explore

Steve Fogg has collected links to the communication campaigns churches around the world to promote their Christmas events.

What’s your church been doing this Christmas to share the good news about Jesus with the people in your local community? What events have you run? What communications campaigns have you implemented?

Have you learnt any lessons, or had any brainwaves that would be useful for other churches to know about? It’s too late to make changes this year, but the great thing about Christmas, is that (unless Jesus returns in the meantime!) we’ll celebrate it again at the same time next year!


P.S. - Merry Christmas. Thanks for following my column this year, and for your comments and feedback. I look forward to continuing the conversation next year, as we seek to explore how technology (and communication techniques)  can be used to love God and others. Praise God he sent us a Saviour.

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