Christian university students are using hot cross buns to bring the true meaning of Easter into the hallowed walls of academia at Sydney's University of Technology (UTS).

Credo, an on-campus Christian group at UTS, has completed their Easter mini-mission by handing out 1000 hot cross buns to students.

Victoria Brigden, Credo member and 5th year Journalism and Law student, says students passing by were keen to find out why the buns were being handed out.

"We gave people free hot cross buns and handed them brochures about the meaning of Easter."

"People came up to ask questions about Christianity and we had some really good conversations."

UTS student and Credo member Morgan Renew says the exercise was particularly effective in reaching out to international students.

"A huge proportion of the students at UTS are from overseas so we had a lot of people asking us "What is Easter?'. Many people who don't come from Australia have no idea what Easter is."

"Giving them a hot cross bun and showing them we are celebrating something is a great way to incite interest. Several people had good conversations explaining what Easter is about."

The mission week, entitled "Easter Declared, Debated, Celebrated' also included an evangelistic talk from Dave Thurston, minister at Central Sydney Presbyterian Church and a debate on the resurrection between Bishop of South Sydney, Robert Forsyth and UTS Law lecturer Ian Ellis-Jones.

This mission is one of the many initiatives being taken by on-campus Christian groups as part of the AFES Year of Tertiary Evangelism in 2005.