Easter is just around the corner, and most churches will have started thinking about how to promote their services in the community. 

What's your church got planned? How will you be promoting your Easter services.

I've been doing some research and some planning for my church's marketing, and share with you the results of this thinking via a couple of posts below:

The content of your campaign ultimately comes down to the people you are seeking to connect with. Who are they? 

  • Are they people who used to go to church who have since stopped? 
  • Are they people who have some Christian experience (e.g. a church school)?
  • Are they people who've previously been hurt by the church? 
  • Are they people who've never been to church?
  • Are they people who are from a very different religious background?

I'd love to see greater collaboration amongst churches in our outreach activities - would you? With 220+ Anglican churches, there's so much opportunity to brainstorm and share ideas, insights and resources.

I'd also love to see the evangelicals in Sydney getting together to run something like this one Easter.

How can we make it happen?


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