The President of the council of Anglicare Sydney, Archbishop Peter Jensen, has announced the new CEO for the community service arm of the Sydney Diocese.

Grant Millard will replace Peter Kell as CEO of Anglicare Sydney, following Mr Kell’s retirement in mid-2011.

“I am delighted that Grant Millard has accepted our invitation to succeed Peter Kell at Anglicare,” said Archbishop Jensen.

“He is compassionate, biblical and Christ-centred. His commitment to ministry and his business experience fit him well for this key role.”

Mr Millard is currently the General Manager of Moore Theological College where he is in charge of all the college’s non-academic functions.

He has spent 28 years working in senior leadership roles with a number of large multinational companies, and was a senior executive with the Coca-Cola company for 12 years prior to joining Moore College in early 2010.

Mr Millard says that Anglicare’s gospel-focused approach and its focus on partnership with the local church are what make it distinctive.

“What really struck me when looking at the core values, the vision, mission statement and the strategic plan with Anglicare was that the gospel of Jesus Christ and being Christ to the poor, the disadvantaged, and the socially excluded was at the heart of what the organisation is about.

“We make no distinction about who we render services to, but why we do it is just so important - that we rely on God, that we recognise in obedience that we depend on God, seek to honour him and witness to the love of Jesus to people that we deal with. That is what is so distinctive about Anglicare and why it is so important to parishes and to the mission of the diocese.”

Mr Millard and his wife Linda are active members of St. Augustine’s Anglican Church in Neutral Bay where Mr Millard also serves as a warden.