"I don't know what I'd do without my carers" is how Patricia, 73, sums up how much she appreciates the care given by ARV's Western Sydney Community Services Team.

Patricia and husband Reg received ARV home support until he suffered a massive stroke last May, needing full time care. He is now living within an aged care community in Baulkham Hills.

Reg had been unwell for the previous seven years, through extreme lung illness as well as macular degeneration, ulcers, a stomach condition, sleep apnoea and the after-effects of a hip operation.

During that time hewaslooked after by Patricia, who had health problems of her own. These included a heart attack, dizzy spells, back problems and ongoing complications from a thyroid operation many years before.

"I'm a fighter and so is he," Patricia said, but despite her courage, determination and devotion, the toll on Patricia was huge: she collapsed, needing respite care, after which she came to ARV's Western Sydney Community Services Team. Still exhausted and emotionally drained, she appreciated the at home assistance she received from ARV, making special mention of her carer, Rita.

"She's marvellous," says Patricia. "She helps me with the housework, takes me shopping
and looks after me. I've had a couple of bad falls and it's hard getting around and I'm mostly in a wheelchair now."

Patricia still isn't used to being by herself. "Reg and I have been married 53 years," says Patricia. I was used to him doing everything, including the shopping, and I still feel he might come through the door. With Reg not being here, it's very hard."

She recalls the growing strain of looking after Reg, saying, "Sometimes it would all be too much and it became easy to be upset over silly things. "I'm glad he's being so well cared for now and I feel much better in myself, thanks to the way my carer, Rita, looks after me. I really look forward to her visits.

"My children, son and daughter visit often; I especially look forward to seeing my grandchildren.

"We see Reg as often as we can. My son and daughter take me to his aged care community, usually with the grandchildren who are glad to see "Grandy' looking better."

Patricia's spirit is amazing. "I don't believe in giving up; you get up and push on. The way I'm being looked after here in my own home helps me get through it."

If you would like to obtain more information on ARV's retirement and aged care communities or home support services please contact Anglican Retirement Villages on (02) 9421 5333.

A message from Ken Barber: CEO Anglican Retirement Villages

In this month's "Life Matters" I would like to introduce you to Patricia. Patricia has chosen to stay in her own home, and receive ARV's caring home support services.

Patricia's story demonstrates how our Vision of "Creating Communities of Christian are" has challenged ARV to find new ways to care for older people in a variety of personal situations. While we firmly believe our villages are an ideal environment for older people, we also recognise that many people still prefer to remain within their own home in a location they find more familiar, so for people who make this choice, our community based services are tailor made to meet their needs and preferences.

Our Community Care network extends to most parts of the Sydney Diocese and is still integrated with our other care options to ensure we offer a true "continuum of care" " where residents and clients can be supported to maintain their independence for as long as possible, safe in the knowledge that further care will be available, should they ever need it " no matter where they choose to live.

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