You may have heard press reports about thousands of Dalits " India's "untouchables' " converting to Christ.

A small gathering at All Saints Petersham on Tuesday night had a unique opportunity to hear first hand about the extraordinary work the Lord is doing amongst the Dalits ("untouchables').

Gunasakaran, himself a low-caste Dalit, is in Australia this month to share his testimony and talk about his growing ministry.

"It is a very encouraging story," says Malcolm Williams from the Fellowship for Evangelism in the Visual Arts (FEVA) who helped organise the evening.

"He was saved at the age of 17 in 1975 when he hit the lowest point in his life and was about to commit suicide.”

"Since then he has committed his life to telling others the great news about Jesus, particularly those in the Dalit caste in and around the area of Salem in Tamil Nadu, South India.  Under God's grace, Gunasakaran has started ten churches, a training program for the ministers who run these churches, orphanages, as well as community development programs,” Mr Williams says.

On top of food relief, Gunasakaran's programs include tailoring centres where women without a husband can learn a trade to earn a living.

Mr Williams says that the heart of the ministry is the conviction that Jesus is Lord.

"Having seen the ministry at first hand two years ago I can attest that whatever is done "be it word or deed", it is done in the name of the Lord Jesus (Col 3:17)."

"Over the last eight years Guna's ministry has blossomed. Each time I hear an update the work has grown again in amazing ways," he says.

"The compassionate and clear way in which Guna's ministry preaches Christ continues to be heard with interest in South India.”

Mr Williams believes Sydney Christians should support gospel ministry in India.

"With close to 80 per cent of India's 1 billion population being Hindu (a religion with many Gods), Indian's are at the moment seem strangely open to spirituality and hearing about other gods.  Many have added the Christian God to the list of gods they worship and yet they do not really know the true God who has revealed himself in Christ."

"Christians in Sydney can sponsor a child in one of Guna's three orphanages for $25 AUD per month which is a bargain. The children are greatly loved and brought up to know the scriptures well. Sponsors get up to date reports on the progress of their child. Last year Guna turned away over 100 children from his Chettipatty orphanage alone through lack of funds.

Gunasakaran's Australian visit has been organised in association with Nowra Baptist and the Fellowship for Evangelism in the Visual Arts (FEVA).

If you would like to support the work or learn more about it then contact Judith Atkins on (0415)549-096 or email at

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