The explosion of houses occurring in Sydney's North West calls for a response, and Steve is wondering if you might be part of the solution to this evangelistic problem.

The Rev Steve Reimer is preparing the ground for one of Sydney's newest church plants, likely to be based within the Blacktown Leisure Centre in the burgeoning suburb of Stanhope Gardens.

"I’m trying to establish who else has a passion to reach people in this area," he says.

Mr Reimer has recently shifted to Rouse Hill Anglican church after two years as a student minister at Kellyville.

"For years I’ve seen the growth in this area, and particularly the lack in Anglican Churches, and I’ve been keen to do something about it," he says.

Rouse Hill Anglican is keen to support Mr Reimer's vision even though their congregation is barely out of the planting stage itself.

"Church planting is part of our DNA," says pastor Martin Morgan.

"The strategy for Rouse Hill has always been to be the first of many congregations popping up along the Windsor Road.

"We’ve planted two congregations already - one in the morning and in the evening " and now we’re looking at a third, geographical plant at Stanhope, which is a major hub in the area," Mr Morgan says.

The prospect of a life-time of church planting does not seem to disturb the 80+ members of his church.

"All of the congregation that we have now have heard us talk about it before they joined," Mr Morgan says.

"We’ve always been about planting a new church; we talk about it at our prayer meetings, our leadership meetings. Most are really, really excited and many will want to be part of the core group."

It is this open acknowledgement of the planting and replanting ministry of the church that has prepared Rouse Hill for this new venture so soon after its own establishment.

"Our congregation members are people who have fresh in their memory the beauty of a new church because they’ve been part of one already."

The church is using a diocesan grant to specifically fund Mr Reimer as a "church planter'.

"I’m getting a core group together so that we can reach out to the whole [Stanhope] community," Mr Reimer says.

"There are no church buildings at all and there are very few possible venues, so we're in discussions with other Christian groups in the area, to finalise venues and teams."

People interested in joining the Stanhope Gardens venture are invited to email Steve Reimer.

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