Event: Carols with Soul

Church: Annandale Community Anglican Church

When: Sunday, December 17

The activities: A choir accompanied by professional jazz musicians. Plus a series of dramas from church members.

Where: Annandale Community Anglican Church building.

Attendance: 160 people in total including 60-70 who were not regulars.

Elements that worked best

"I was particularly impressed with the dramas. They were understated, culturally sassy, self deprecating and funny and built the groundwork for [assistant minister] Andrew Barry's talk," says Annandale rector, the Rev Dominic Steele.

"We held a welcome lounge [funky cafe space] after church as we do every fortnight and I was excited to see a number sign up to be invited to Introducing God."

What didn't work or could be improved next year

"We hope to be praying more across the board next year. Also, having run a Gingerbread event for women the last few years, we decided to switch to a jewelry making event this year. This wasn’t nearly as well attended, but those who did come paid much better attention to the gospel presentation."

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