
We are all well - it is very cold here - the coldest in Delhi for 70 years - some people have died from the cold.  Today we spent planning for the course.

We had a nice Indian lunch - Butter Chicken!  They really do eat it here.

Here are our prayer points:

1. Thanks that we all arrived safely - and that we all (including Ken) got through customs okay.
2. Thanks that our accommodation is good - great hotel in a non-tourist area.
3. Pray for the pastors and teachers attending our course tomorrow - pray they arrive safely and are encouraged by the course.
4.  Pray that we stay healthy - the cold is quite harsh.  Pray that we dont get sick from the cold or the food.


Well, we are now nearing the end of our stay in Delhi.

We have had a great week teaching Creation to New Creation to the pastors and leaders here in Delhi.  We had 23 male pastors and 15 female leaders sit the course.  They were very keen to learn and gave us a heartfelt farewell at the end.  There are so many stories to tell, we will share them with you when we return.  One testimony though, moved us all, so we thought we would share it with you: (we have permission to do this)

Pastor Victor translated Ken for the entire week.  He also spent today (Saturday) showing us the sights of Delhi.  He is such a godly man.  We found out about his background today: - when he was 20 he left home and soon began a life of crime - from petty theft, to highway robbery, even, eventually, to kidnapping people.  He has spent 14 of his last 20 years in gaol.

After his last gaol time, his lawyer invited him back to his house to live. The lawyers’ daughter took an interest in him, and asked her father to let her marry him.  They got married.  His wife was into idol worship.  Soon after his marriage, a friend introduced him to Jesus - a month or so later, he became a Christian.  After another year or so, his wife became a Christian and so did the whole household.  Now, Victor is a pastor in a church here in Delhi.

He has two small kids.  His life has turned around so much - we would never have guessed his background - he is so humble and godly now.  God is good. Praise the Lord.

We are all having challenging experiences here.  For Ken, driving anywhere is a challenge.  For Karen, crossing the road is a challenge.  For Claire and Deb, sharing each other’s lives at close quarters.  For Roger, there are lots of stairs here in India….For Doug, a certain someone isn’t here….For Anthony, he’s had 6 omlettes in a row this week for breakfast - we are trying to get him to be
radical and go boiled instead…..

Anyway - God has been good to us this week.  We have learnt lots from the Indian Christians, and we hope we encouraged them and they can use what they learnt in their ministries.  Here are our prayer points:

1. Give thanks for all those who sat the course.  Pray that the leaders can apply what they have learnt in their churches.

2. Give thanks that everyone on our team is healthy and well.  Some are getting a little tired of curry, but overall, we are being looked after very well.

3. Give thanks that the team is working together well. Everyone is giving their testimonies and Ken is preaching tomorrow.

4. Pray that we have a safe journey on Monday - we are travelling by train to Ludhiana, Punjab - it is a 5 hour journey.

5. Pray for the Punjabi leaders who will attend our course next week.  Pray that they will come with eager hearts and minds.

6. Give thanks for the leaders of IGL.  We met with Sam Stephens today - give thanks for him and his work here.  Also give thanks for Pastor Jordan, Pastor Kieran and Pastor Benny for their co-ordination of the course this week.

7. Finally, give thanks for God growing his kingdom here in India.  His church is growing by the day.  Pray that the pastors will have boldness to go out and preach Jesus in this land.

Praise the Lord!  Hallelujah!! Keep praying for India!

The North India Team.

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