Matthew and Samantha Archer fly out this Monday as new CMS missionaries to Tanzania but a last minute hitch with Matthew's fashion sense almost cost them their visa.

"I was confident that there would be no problems," explains Samantha. "People go to be missionaries in Tanzania all the time. We had never heard of visa problems!"

How wrong she was.

Explains Matthew: "The official who was approving our visa took one look at my photo and thought there was no way I could be a missionary. He thought I must be a vagabond backpacker!"

The problem? Matthew's earring.

So a worker from the Anglican Diocese of Mara in Tanzania had to do some quick talking to get his visa approved.

"The earring will have to go," says Matthew. "But it is a small sacrifice."

"I want to give back to God a little of what he has given me. He has done so much for me. Christ's love compels us to tell others about him," he says.
Samantha says the visa approval is just another way God has made clear their every step towards becoming missionaries.

"God has opened every door all along the way. Nothing has stopped us going," says Samantha. "We have the ability to go. We have affluence, good health, our children are healthy. There is no reason to stop us going."

The Archers are heading for Bunda, a rural town that is a day’s journey from the Tanzanian capital Dodoma. It's just off the tourist trail, close to Lake Victoria and the gates of the Serengeti.

Initially they will learn the Swahili language and build relationships. But Samantha, who has an economics degree and a diploma of education, hopes to utilise those teaching skills either in the high school across the road from where they will be living or in Scripture teaching. Matthew's expectation is that he will be involved in lay ministry training and running theological education by extension courses.

"They are passionate Christians but they need more support and education in the Bible," says Matthew. “Lot of the pastors only have primary education. Only 8 per cent of Tanzanians have graduated from high school."

A carpenter by trade, teaching theology was far from Matthew's mind when he first thought about mission work.

Matthew had been backpacking through Africa and was aware of the people's needs, so five years ago he came on a short term mission trip to Tanzania using his building skills. During that time he asked the local bishop about longer-term mission work.

"Initially I thought I would use my carpentry skills, but the bishop said "No! We already have builders. But you've got access to education in Australia that we don't. What we need is Bible teachers'."

So Matthew decided he had to go to Sydney Bible and Missionary College (SMBC).

"God equips us for what we need, so we just need to be obedient," says Matthew.

As they fly out, the Archers ask that we will pray for their family's health and for them as they learn Swahili and about the Tanzanian culture. They also hope God will help them develop a genuine love for the people.

"Genuine love is important," says Matthew. "We are there to see God transform lives rather than just do a task."

The Archers particularly want to thank the NSW churches that are supporting them, including their home church St Paul's, Terrey Hills.

"It really is a partnership between us and CMS, and the Australian churches and the Tanzanian church. Take out one of those elements and it would all fall over," says Samantha.

CMS Commissioning - Matthew and Samantha Archer 
Date: Tuesday, 17 January 2006

Time: 6.30pm (dinner at 5pm)

Location: St. Paul’s, Terrey Hills

Come and farewell Matthew and Samantha, with Verity and Ezekiel as they depart for Tanzania. Please come at 5pm for a bring-and-share dinner, with the service to follow at 6.30pm. Supper will be served afterwards. St. Paul’s Anglican Church Terrey Hills is off Yulong Road, behind ‘Il Piemonte’ restaurant.
Contact: CMS-NSW on 9267 3711 or

Email Matthew and Samantha on Visit [url=][/url] for more information about missionary opportunities

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