I’m all for process. That is, providing events and programmes and opportunities for the gospel so that our unsaved friends will keep on hearing of God in Christ. This Advent we gave it our very best attempt. Everything from ale tasting (in extreme moderation, of course) to high-brow stuff (a performance of Handel’s ‘Messiah) through to Christmas craft, jazz ensembles, business lunches and the like. You’ve heard it all before, no doubt.
The jewel in the crown was not the Christmas service(s) - though we did see some of our friends (from all that lead-up stuff) attend, but an evening at the cinema from which I’ve just returned (Dec. 28).
‘Narnia’ was on the bill (no surprises there!). Close to 140 people, including guests, attended (now that was a surprise!). It was breathtaking, really. Granted it was one of those mega-complexes (and harldy a seat was left) but everywhere I looked I could see the ‘community of faith’ mixed in with local punters.
Once the flick was over (and I must say it was jolly good), the gathered throng repaired to a local park for a B-B-Q dinner, kids’ games and a short talk. Whole families (with spouses who rarely appear in church) made it their business to be there.
Not only was there terrific bonhomie, but we now have some very handy common ground upon which gospel conversations will be predicated, God willing.
One last thing, every Tuesday and Wednesday morning for the past month, up to 30 people have been meeting at the church (from 7.00am - 7.30am) to pray. They’ve been pleading with the Lord to pour out his Spirit on their friends; to bring conviction of sin, deep repentance and inner transformation. I don’t believe we’re anywhere near that stage yet but I am fairly certain that people have attended events and come under the sound of the gospel as God has graciously responded to our petitions.
Right, time get started on the lead-up to Easter.