Do you have an involvement with a local radio station? Would you like to hear a particularly Aussie telling of the Gospel get some time on the airways? The Bible Society has a product for you, and best of all it’s free.

Kel Richards’ book The Aussie Bible has sold 100,000 copies around Australia. You can read all about it at The Aussie Bible website.

Now, Bible Society NSW has released 95 one minute radio spots read by Kel Richards from his book "The Aussie Bible (Well, bits of it anyway!)'

The spots, produced in association with FM 103.2 are packaged on a 2 CD set and available to Christian Radio stations across Australia for the price of the postage! ($10).

The CDs can be ordered from [url=][/url] and follow the links. Sample spots are also available to listen to on-line.

For phone orders, call 1 300 766 963.

The 95, one minute spots also include a series of spots for Christmas and Easter.

"The Aussie Bible (Well, bits of it anyway!)' was first released in August, 2003 and to date has sold 100,000 copies.

"Kel's re-telling of the Gospel story has resonated with thousands of people across Australia," said Bible Society NSW Communications Manager, Martin Johnson.

"This Christmas, hundreds of churches will use this book in their Christmas outreach or use readings from the Christmas story in their services," he said.

"The Aussie Bible' book is available from all Christian bookstores or from Bible Society NSW on 1 300 766 963.

Click here to order the CD online…

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