A private members bill introduced by the Hon Clover Moore to allow same-sex couples to adopt children will go before the Lower House of the NSW Parliament this week.

The NSW Premier, Kristina Keneally has allowed a conscience vote by Government MPs and the Opposition Leader, Barry O'Farrell has allowed the same for Opposition MPs.

The bill has been amended to exempt faith-based organisations from having to facilitate adoptions for same-sex couples.

Although Anglicare Sydney welcomes this exemption, it still opposes the bill in principle and urges all MPs to vote against the bill because it diminishes children's rights.

The Adoption Act makes it clear no adult presently has the right to adopt a child. The Act is based on what is in the best interest of the child. Introducing a right to adopt is contrary to the whole adoption regime.

And allowing same-sex couples to adopt children is not a test of civil rights - upholding the rights of children to have a father and mother when they have no say in the matter is.

Anglicare's 12 reasons for opposing the Bill were sent to all State MPs. You can view them here. ADOPTIONAMENDMENTBILL_20AUG10.pdf

With this issue now upon us, I strongly urge you to write to or email your local MP and request them to vote against Ms Moore's Bill, with reference to ANGLICARE's reasons.

Children's rights are precious - they should never be a political football for others.

Peter Kell is the CEO of Anglicare Sydney

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