She who has ears to hear, let her hear: the new women's evangelistic resource from Evangelism Ministries aims to reach women too busy to read books.

Hot on the heels of Evangelism Ministries' popular book What Women Really Need, the new resource Contentment and Certainty is an audio CD featuring talks by Lesley Ramsay and Michelle Underwood and music by Nicky Chiswell.

Lesley Ramsay, Women's Evangelist with Evangelism Ministries, says they wanted to provide a fresh resource to "fill a niche'.

"The book was something that a lot of people found easy to read," she says.

"A lot of people told have said it was so different to what they expected from a "religious' book."

A number of women have been converted after being challenged by the book, having been given it by friends, relatives, or simply finding it left lying at work.

But she says that many women had been requesting a resource they could give to their friends who "didn't read books.'

Audio is becoming an increasingly important medium.

More people are listening to audio books in the car, train or while busy at home as busy lifestyles make it difficult to sit down and read.
Mrs Ramsay says that both "conversations" - her own on contentment and Michelle Underwood's on certainty - address key issues for women.

The talks are accessible to people unfamiliar with the Bible and Christianity, and take different approaches to explaining the gospel.

Contentment is gentler, Certainty more direct and Mrs Ramsay says that both talks complement one another.

She hopes that each talk will cater to women at different points on their spiritual journey.

The book proved highly popular and Contentment and Certainty looks set to follow: the CD has only been available for two weeks but churches around Sydney have already ordered 250 copies.

Mrs Ramsay hopes that CD can be used by churches on a "freebies' table at Christmas outreach events, or simply as part of Christmas gifts to family and friends.

"I'm really excited that there's one more tool that can be used to talk about Jesus," she says.

"This is something different and fresh that people can really take and run with."