Tuesday, 16 July 16 Jul

Media release

John Stott Memorial Service

Anglican Church Diocese of Sydney
Media Release

Memorial Service of Thanksgiving for the life of John Stott 1921-2011

“There are a few, a very few, who deserve to be called a Prince among the people of God.  John Stott was one such” Archbishop Peter Jensen


Christians from across Sydney and beyond will join in a service of thanksgiving for the life of John Stott, one of the most significant figures of evangelicalism in the 20th Century, on Friday 5th August at St Andrew’s Cathedral, Sydney.

From his base as rector of All Souls church, Langham Place, London, John Stott spent the second half of the twentieth century and on into the 21st, exercising a ministry of preaching and leadership among evangelical Anglicans worldwide.

But his influence extended further through the Evangelical Fellowship in the Anglican Communion, the Lausanne movement, and the Langham Partnership.

Once named in Time's top 100 influential people in the world, Stott was the author of many books, but his most significant contribution to Christian literature was “Basic Christianity”, a best selling evangelistic work.

Representatives of Stott’s ministries will take part in the service and Archbishop Peter Jensen will preach.

John Stott died at his retirement home at St. Barnabas College on the afternoon of Wednesday 27th July.

His funeral will be held at All Souls Church in Langham Place on the 8th August.

John Stott’s preaching and ministry has had a significant effect and resonance in the Diocese of Sydney.

On his passing, Archbishop Peter Jensen said "We thank God for the inspiring life and ministry of John Stott. He was one of the most remarkable Christian leaders of his generation. His impact in Sydney was especially that of an evangelist and an expository Bible teacher, but his faithfulness and creativity ensured a world-wide influence on many fronts."

"He was a man used by God to bless the lives of countless others" the Archbishop said.

All are invited to join the service of thanksgiving at 1.30pm, Friday, 5th August.

Further details at the Cathedral website [url=http://www.sydneycathedral.com/]http://www.sydneycathedral.com/[/url].

For more information call Archbishop’s Media Adviser, Russell Powell on 0411 692 499 




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