Monday, 23 December 23 Dec

Media release

Sydney Synod endorses Jerusalem Declaration

Anglican Diocese of Sydney
Media Release

The 48th Synod of the Diocese of Sydney has overwhelmingly endorsed the Jerusalem Declaration formulated at the Global Anglican Future conference.

The Jerusalem Declaration was drafted and passed by the 1148 Gafcon delegates from throughout the Anglican Communion, including 291 Bishops, in June, 2008.

The declaration was endorsed by the passage of a motion which read “Synod endorses the Jerusalem Declaration as exemplifying the tenets of orthodoxy
which underpin our Anglican identity and invites all Anglicans in Australia to endorse the Declaration.”

The Bishop of North Sydney, Dr Glenn Davies, led the debate saying it was an honour to serve on the drafting committee for the statement.

Dr Davies told the Synod “We are standing in classic christian orthodoxy. But it doesn’t mean we are locked in time, it is also an organic and lively faith.”

The synod motion was passed overwhelmingly.

Archbishop Dr Peter Jensen said he was “greatly heartened by the overwhelming support of the Synod”.

“It is an encouragement to press ahead in the unfolding work of the Gafcon movement.”

The synod also passed a motion to congratulate Archbishop Jensen and the five Sydney bishops “on their attendance at Gafcon and their move to continue our development as a truly Bible-based Anglican Church.”





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