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Chris Edwards

Bishop of North Sydney
View all articles by Chris Edwards


Welcome to the official webpage of Bishop Edwards and the Northern Region.

The Northern Region contains 64 parishes, including some of the largest churches in Sydney and emerging multicultural ministries.  


The Rt Rev Chris Edwards was consecrated Bishop on March 29, 2014 and commenced his position in the North Sydney region on May 5, 2014.

Bishop Edwards worked as a marketing executive in the finance and banking sector before studying at Moore Theological College and entering the ministry in 1994 as curate at St George's Church, Engadine.

Before being chosen as Bishop of North Sydney in 2013, he was part of the ministry team at Holy Trinity Adelaide. He led a team of people as the founding minister of Holy Trinity Adelaide Hills.

He later led St Paul’s Anglican Church, Tervuren, Belgium and was chairman of its school as well as chairman of European office of African Enterprise.

On returning to Australia, Mr Edwards took up the position of Director of Mission at Anglican Retirement Villages, ARV, in Sydney.

Bishop Edwards is married to Belinda. They have two married children, a daughter and grandson living in Sweden and a son living in Sydney.

Contact information

Level 2, St Andrew’s House
Sydney Square, NSW 2000 postal address: PO Box Q190, QVB Post Office NSW 1230

Office telephone:
(+ 61 2) 9265 1533

Email address

Media Enquiries for Bishop Edwards

Russell Powell




Remarriage of Divorced Persons





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