Saturday, 18 January 18 Jan

Media release

Archbishop leads Christchurch prayer service

Anglican Church Diocese of Sydney
Media Release

Archbishop leads prayer service for Christchurch

The Archbishop of Sydney, Dr Peter Jensen, will lead a Sydney prayer service for the people of Christchurch at 3pm, Thursday 24th February, 2011.

Premier Kristina Keneally, the Consul General of New Zealand Martin Welsh and other dignitaries will be in attendance at St Andrews Cathedral, Sydney Square (next to Town Hall).

Among those leading in prayer will be the Dean of Sydney Phillip Jensen and the Rev Wally Behan, who is the former rector of St John’s Church, Latimer Square which has been all but destroyed by the quake.

Archbishop Jensen has issued an open invitation for people to pray at the Cathedral, either at the special lunchtime service at 1pm or the official service at 3pm.

“The special relationship forged in conflict while facing common enemies means that our hearts go out to the citizens of Christchurch and that we have a special reason to pray for them.” said Dr Jensen.

“We are praying for the safety and wellbeing of the city and individuals known to us and that the spirit of faith, hope and love will prevail in the whole community.” he said.

For more information and interviews – contact
Archbishop’s Senior Media Adviser, Russell Powell
0411 692 499







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