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Media release

Ethics Classes announcement ‘˜impoverishes education’

Anglican Church Diocese of Sydney
Media Statement

Ethics Classes announcement "impoverishes education'

Archbishop of Sydney and Metropolitan of the Anglican Church in New South Wales, Dr Peter Jensen, says the decision to allow the introduction of ethics lessons during time set aside for Special Religious Education (SRE) is "a bad decision, made under political pressure, which will impoverish the education of many NSW public schoolchildren."

"Philosophical ethics is not a real alternative to the study of religion and it is unfair to confront parents with the dilemma of having them both taught at the same time. The "examined life' starts with a well-rounded education." Dr Jensen said.

"Our concerns are for the children who now will be denied an introduction to the great questions posed by the faith-traditions. For example, even though the ethics lesson plans were not publicly released, it is apparent that they did not include clear guidance on right and wrong."

"I congratulate Barry O'Farrell and the Liberal and National parties for their opposition to this change and their commitment to take seriously the other solutions the Premier and the Minister declined to consider" the Archbishop said.

"The Anglican Church is committed to the future of public education. The thousands of volunteer scripture teachers and helpers will continue to do their utmost to deliver an orderly, challenging and educationally-rich program in schools, week by week, for all ages."

23rd November 2010 AD

For more information call Archbishop's Media Adviser, Russell Powell on 0411 692 499










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