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Media release

Media Statement on resignation of Premier Mike Baird

Anglican Church Diocese of Sydney,

19th January, 2017

Public Statement on the resignation of Premier Mike Baird

With the unexpected resignation of Mike Baird as Premier, the State has lost an outstanding leader.

A man of principle and of mature Christian faith, Mike Baird has 'made the difference' that he intended to make when he entered politics a decade ago.

His bold agenda for improving the infrastructure of our cities and our transport networks will stand the State in good stead for the next half century. His willingness to eschew short term political gain in order to do the right thing for the citizens of NSW is a model for political leaders from all sides.

Yet leadership of this calibre naturally attracts its critics, especially when powerful minorities are challenged and chastened as to their genuine concern for the common good, rather than their own sectional interests. 

For Mike Baird, his commitment to his family is both serious and important, not a smokescreen for a resignation due to other reasons. Mike Baird is trustworthy and while I am personally sorry to see him leave the office of Premier, I thank God for the impact he has made over the past ten years, and especially the last three years as Premier.

May God raise up more leaders like Mike, a person of transparency and genuine concern for the long term good of the citizens of NSW.

Archbishop Glenn Davies




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