Wednesday, 17 July 17 Jul

Media release

Statement from the Archbishop of Sydney on the election of the Archbishop of Melbourne

"I welcome the news of the election of Bishop Philip Freier to be the next Archbishop of Melbourne. I assure Bishop Philip and his wife Joy of my continuing prayers, and also those of the people of the Diocese of Sydney, as they move into this new and challenging area of mission and ministry. It is a vast change from their present role in the Diocese of the Northern Territory, but they are well equipped for this new leadership to which they are called.

"We pray also for the clergy and people of Melbourne Diocese as they welcome their Archbishop, who is a missionary Bishop, and as they move with him into a new era of service and witness to the Lord Jesus Christ in their community.

"In electing Bishop Freier as their Archbishop, the Synod of Melbourne Diocese has made a significant contribution to the unity of the Anglican Church of Australia. Philip Freier is a person with extensive ministry experience in a wide range of areas, and, importantly he is someone who is admired and welcomed by all sections of our Australian Church."

Dr Peter Jensen
Archbishop of Sydney

For further information contact Margaret Rodgers 0411-692499




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