The French government has officially banned high school students from attending or running Bible studies at school.
The ban is a result of the controversial new legislation prohibiting outward religious apparel and signs that ‘conspicuously show’ a student’s religious affiliation.
Media reports earlier this year showed Islamic groups were among those most affected, as Muslim girls are no longer allowed to wear headscarves on school grounds.
However, part of the fall-out of the veil controversy is the effect it is having on the work of the Clubs Bibliques Lyceens (CBL), the French equivalent to the ISCF (Inter Schools Christian Fellowship) run by Scripture Union.
Debate surrounding the new law has meant that CBL groups no longer have the right to meet on school property.
CMS missionary, Owen Chadwick, based in Toulouse, has seen the ramifications of the French government’s ban first hand.
“In the past CBL clubs have operated in a number of senior high schools and has been very valuable in helping train students in running Bible studies with their peers. In the Groupes Bibliques Universitaires, the sister movement, we have seen many key students come from CBL,” Mr Chadwick said. “[The prohibition] is greatly hampering their ministry.”
University campuses have greater freedom, allowing many GBU groups to continue functioning. However, ministry workers like Mr Chadwick are conscious of the potential flow-on effect. “As evangelical Christians we constantly need to reassure people that we are not a cult,” he says.
Despite experiencing distinct levels of government opposition to Christianity, evangelical churches are growing in numbers in France and still enjoy great freedom.
“The separation between church and state dates from 1905 and means that the state guarantees the freedom of the individual to believe whatever he wishes,” Mr Chadwick says.
“Changing religion in France causes no difficulties, but it does mean that we need to be careful and respectful of other points of view in all forms of public and street evangelism.”
The new General Secretary of the GBU France, David Brown, has edited a brochure that states the need for Christians to clearly explain what they believe in the public arena. It also puts forth the case for freedom of religion with copies of the brochure sent to all the deputies of the National Assembly.