David Reay would not say shock jocks battling it out in Sydney’s tough world of radio have a new competitor, but he acknowledges that steps are being taken to influence listeners to community radio in the Northern Region.
When community radio station 2HHH, 100.1FM needed some Christian material to put to air,  contact was made with David, minister of St Paul’s, Wahroonga. A longtime presenter of spots on 2CH and 103.2FM, he is now putting to air daily ‘Life Matters’ spots on 2HHH.
“The challenge is to make them distinctively Christian rather than generically religious”, he says.
As well as the daily spots, David will also read the Narnia Chronicles on air.  About 25,000 people are estimated to listen in at any one time.
“All around Sydney there are community radio stations which serve their localities without hitting the headlines,” says David. He is convinced of the value of the radio ministry. “The spots I do on these stations are brief enough so people don’t have much chance of turning them off,” he said. “They can’t possibly tackle all issues or present the whole counsel of God, which may disappoint some Christians. What they can do is alert people as to how the Christian faith intersects with everyday life.”