with Paul Perini

Q: What are you currently reading?
A: Robin Cook’s, Point Of Departure. This book spells out the reasons for Cook’s resignation from Tony Blair’s New Labour and why the UK has partnered the Bush administration in Iraq.

Q: Most recent CD purchase?
A: A Miles Davis disc and the latest St Hilary’s musical effort, Treasure.

Q: Are you a movie-goer?
A: Absolutely. I’ve just seen, The Fog of War. I think Robert McNamara was a brilliant technocrat but he did not, in my view, express deep enough regret for his part in Vietnam.

Q: Tell us about life in Melbourne?
A: To start with we really miss friends and family in Sydney (though I do not miss Rugby League). That said, Melbourne has great streets, wonderful restaurants and coffee places. It is a very livable city. And St Hilary’s is a very special community. It has a ‘yes’ culture. It is unpretentious, open and committed to Jesus, willing to take risks. It also has great women who lead and teach.

Q: Reflections on Sydney?
A: In Sydney there is a very clear focus on the gospel. It pervades the diocese. Such clarity is quite unique. I also believe there is a desire for what I call theological ‘100%-ism’. I just do not think we can get it all right this side of Christ’s return. And the effort to do so, characterised by acute theological detailing creates, in my view, an atmosphere of judgementalism and control.

Q: With whom would you like to sit on a long flight?
A: Michelle, my wife (of course).