‘Social Issues briefings’: a free service!
We produce a free weekly Social Issues briefing. Each briefing is about two pages long, and gives some background information on an issue that has recently been in the news. It will offer some ways of thinking about it, and perhaps acting on it, as Christians.

The idea is to give you ways of talking about Christianity in the workplace, and to help us all live in our world as followers of Jesus. We don’t pretend these briefings will always be right, but they?ll usually be interesting. We’ll always try to be as clear, informative and true to God’s word as a page or two will allow.

How to subscribe
If you want to receive these briefings by email, you can subscribe using either of these methods.

Do it yourself:
If you want to have complete control over your subscription, visit [url=http://lists.moore.edu.au/mailman/listinfo/social-issues]http://lists.moore.edu.au/mailman/listinfo/social-issues[/url].

- Use the top part of the page to subscribe. You will receive an email which shows you how to activate your subscription.
- Use bottom section of the page to change your address, suspend/unsuspend your subscription, or unsubscribe.

Let us do it:
We prefer you to "do it yourself' but we realize that method is not for everyone. If you would like us to help you out, email social.issues@moore.edu.au.
- To subscribe, put your email address in the body of the email, and "Sign me up!' in the subject line.
- To unsubscribe, put your email address in the body of the email, and "Unsubscribe me!' in the subject line.
- To change your address, put your old and new addresses in the body of the email (making clear which is which), and "Change my address' in the subject line.

On the web
Weekly briefings will also appear on this site, but they won’t always appear here at the same time as they are emailed. There will sometimes be a delay before they appear on the web. Recent briefings will be found on the Social Issues Executive front page

Use of Social Issues briefings
When you receive each briefing, you are free to use the ideas it contains (with appropriate acknowledgement, and each briefing will include details of how to do that.) If you forward it to someone, please forward the whole thing unchanged. You are also welcome to send feedback and/or ideas to lisa.watts@moore.edu.au, although we probably won’t be able to reply.

At the moment, Social Issues briefings are only available via the Internet. Clearly, if you’re reading this, you don’t have a problem! But you may know someone who would appreciate these briefings. Why not print them out and pass them on? You might even find that as a result, you’ll have a whole new set of interesting matters to share and discuss with others.

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