Anglican Media’s late night television series, Good Sex, has achieved unprecedented media coverage since its release in April.
The Network Ten series, which discusses the Christian view of sex and relationships, has prompted articles in national and international publications and radio interviews.
Last month The Australian gave the program front page coverage under the headline ‘Church Uses Sex For God’s Sake’.  Brisbane’s Courier Mail columnist Matthew Franklin described the series as a revolution in Christian broadcasting.
“It’s about sex alright, but within the context that good sex is best had within a committed Christian relationship. There are distinct moral overtones, but viewers are not badgered,” Mr Franklin wrote.
“To me, one who had shunned organised religion because of its lack of relevance, it almost made the Anglicans seem contemporary.”
Articles have also appeared on The Washington Post’s website and in Britain’s Sunday Times. The program will return on July 28 at 11.30pm, Wednesdays.