The ABC has handed the Archbishop of Sydney a high honour, selecting him to present a nationally broadcast series of lectures later this year.

The 2005 Boyer Lectures, broadcast on Radio National in November and December, are an opportunity for a prominent Australian to present their thoughts on major social, cultural, scientific or political issues.

The Archbishop, Dr Peter Jensen, says he is both humbled and honoured by the selection.

"It is a great honour and I have been overwhelmed by it," Dr Jensen says.

"I think it is an honour for the diocese as a whole and an acknowledgement of the significance of the Christian faith to Australia."

2005 marks the 46th anniversary of the Boyer Lectures.

"Archbishop Jensen joins the roll-call of distinguished Australians who have accepted the challenge of delivering the ABC's Boyer Lectures," says ABC Chairman Donald McDonald.

"The 2005 series will no doubt add to this valuable collection of Australian ideas and debates."

Dr Jensen's selection puts him in impressive company, with former speakers including Chief Justice Murray Gleeson, author David Malouf, historian Manning Clark and former Prime Minister Bob Hawke.

The ABC has highlighted Dr Jensen's religious qualifications in announcing his selection.

Particular weight has been given to his studies in theology both in Australia and overseas, as well as his appointment to key church positions including the Chair of the General Synod Doctrine Commission.

Dr Jensen says he will present six talks focussing on the significance of Jesus Christ.

"I think they are bound to address the intersection of faith and the culture in which we live," he says.

The Archbishop has also been invited to Ireland in June to give the inaugural TC Hammond Lectures, and will also be a speaker at the European Leadership Forum in Hungary.

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