Sydney Anglican and Bible Society chairman the Rev Dr Roger Chilton has shaken the hand of the man who led Australia's forces in East Timor " and left a new Tri Services Bible in it.

The Bible Society in Australia has presented General Peter Cosgrove with a copy of the book they hope will make its way into the hands of every soldier, seaman and airman in the country.

"The new Tri-service Bible is a wonderful step forward for our three services," says Dr Chilton, the rector at St Swithun's, Pymble.

"Not only is it a most readable translation but it also contains very helpful information for service personnel including prayers for all occasions."

From its camouflage cover through to its prayers for men and women facing clear and present dangers, the Tri-Services is designed to serve Australia's defence personnel.

"It contains a discussion about Christians and war entitled ‘In the Forces and a Christian. Is it possible?’ I expect that it will be widely received and greatly appreciated by our service personnel,” says Dr Chilton.

The new Bible is the brainchild of think-tank including the chief chaplains of the Army, Navy and Air Force.

Its use of the CEV translation is calculated to make the Gospel message more accessible to a younger generation of readers.

Defence personnel can get copies of the new Bible by contacting their unit chaplains.

The venture has been made possible due to donations made to the Scriptures for the Australian Defence Force Fund.

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