More than two million votes have handed a Sydney web designer the victory in's inaugural Stitched Up t-shirt competition.

"We set out with a simple question " what would Sydney Anglicans wear?" says site editor Mark Hadley.

"Then we invited four impressive Christian design teams to suggest an answer."

Designer Andrew Beeston's I am entry quickly fired the imaginations of users asked to vote on their favourites.

After two months, his t-shirt has collected 2,057,183 individual votes.

Mr Beeston admits he was surprised by the energy with which some people voted.

"One guy from our youth group said his mum was so excited she voted for me for two hours one day while reading the paper," he says.

"Another guy got some of his classmates during a free period to head to the library and get on the computers at school and vote."

Mr Beeston's I am design crams in a truck-load of spiritual imagery referencing Jesus' divinity, his death and the effect this sacrifice had on the lives of his disciples.

He also says its "communist' colours are a tongue-in-cheek poke at the determined unity of Sydney Anglicans.

"It can also be an introduction to the statements of Jesus about himself, and there's more than enough imagery in there to simply launch into a comversation."

Mr Beeston has helpfully provided a detailed explanation of that imagery in the Stitched Up Forum.

But for all the support, the victory was still a comparatively narrow one.

The Two Salty design team entry, Enlight'n, garnered 1,922,749 votes of its own, delivering it a close second place.

In all, more than four million votes were cast, one mouse-click at a time. will shortly make Mr Beeston's design available for purchase for $20 each, including all postage and handling.

But the winning designer says he's just happy people have had their attention directed to Christ.

"A t-shirt is a t-shirt, but the Gospel is living," he says.

"Hopefully they're going to read some stuff on the site and find out about it. That's the end function of the competition, right?" will be profiling Mr Beeston's work as part of the Brown Box design team next week in its Ministry Resources section.

Stay tuned for the next Stitched Up competition later this year…