The Royal Australian Historical Society and the National Library of Australia last night awarded St John's, Birchgrove $5,300 to help the historic church preserve its unique heritage collection.

Opened in 1882, St John's will celebrate its 125th anniversary in 2007.

It will use the occasion to publish its extensive photographic collection on Leichhardt Council's image bank for local history.

St John's rector, the Reverend James Butt says the funds are crucial to the photo archive’s success.

"The grants will enable the parish to engage a specialist conservator to appraise and restore those items in its collection which need repair,” he says.

“Once repairs are done, the collection will be catalogued and digitized. After the images are published on the Internet, the parish will deposit the orginal photographs in Leichhardt Council's Local History Library.”

Sydney Anglicans are invited to contribute photographs that relate to the service of St John’s by emailing the project’s coordinator, John Williams.

Visit’s Viewfinder to see a selection of photographs already contributed.

The grant was announced at the National Library of Australia in the Australian Capital Territory by the Federal Minister for the Arts and Sport, Senator Rod Kemp.

St John’s is one of 76 community groups awarded grants, totalling $377 865.

For more information on the photographic archive, see History hoping to repeat itself