Anglicare is asking all Sydney Anglicans to help define the Biblical basis for putting dollars into a social welfare organisation.

The decision has been spurred on by Archbishop Peter Jensen, who used a June address titled "Positioning Anglicare " why we are' to call on organisation to carry out just such an exercise.

The archbishop, who is also the president of Anglicare's governing council, says Sydney’s arm of the national body needs to be clear about the place of its work in relation to three key questions.

"First, is "proclaiming Christ' a word ministry, or is it carried out by means of deeds?” he asks.

“Second, what is the Christian motive and source of the welfare works we engage in? Third, what obligation do Christians have to engage in these works in the wider community?"

Sydney Anglicare has responded with "The gospel and Anglicare', a document outlining the theological basis for its work in relation to the gospel, mission, good works and the local church.

But the document also looks to feedback from Sydney Anglicans to "further refine and develop this statement of Anglicare's rationale." 

In gospel terms, the document defines the organisation’s purpose as:

"To do good works that are the fruit of the gospel and that address profound human social, emotional and physical needs, intentionally thereby seeking to commend the gospel of Jesus which alone meets the fundamental need common to all people."

The document also emphasises the organisation’s hope that its work will create opportunities for introducing people in need to Jesus through the gospel:

"For the followers of Christ to settle for only doing good is to fail to address the greatest need of every human which only Christ, clothed in the promises of his gospel, can remedy."

For this reason, it would continue to help local churches through research into the causes of human need, develop links with local church ministry and go beyond the resources of local churches to address need in the community.

Where possible, Anglicare staff would "sensitively and lovingly, initiate opportunities or utilise any opportunities that arise to talk about Jesus".

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