Archbishop Peter Jensen and award-winning entertainer have combined their talents to deliver a message of "Real Hope' in Tamworth.

The Real Hope weekend conference saw crowds of up to 1500 fill the Tamworth Regional Entertainment Centre (TREC).

Teaching sessions focused on faith and relevant spiritual issues, particularly the pressures of family life.

Dr Jensen suggested men needed to understand their role in society and take responsibility in family life.

He also highlighted the importance of shared family time, particularly at weekends, and the struggle it could become under new industrial reforms.
Bishop Peter Brain, who heads the Anglican Diocese of Armidale, says the weekend was an exciting one.

"We are all encouraged by the excellent teaching and enthusiasm evident over the weekend", he says.

"A real display of Christian unity was evidenced by the attendance at many sessions.

"Members of other denominational congregations from Tamworth attended as well as Anglicans from all over the New England North West."

The ever-popular Colin Buchanan had an enthralled audience joining in songs with a Christian message.

Giving children the lead, he allowed them to take over the singing of favourites like "10, 9, 8" God is great!" while he disappeared from the stage to look for a range of "friends'.

Meantime Christine Jensen addressed the older members of the family on the importance of building children's impressions of God, particularly through books.

"You are made up of all the books you read in childhood," she told parents.

"Good children's books help children understand all kind of situations,"

"Children's books can also help adults answer hard question, such as "Who made me?'"

Christine implored he audience to help the children they loved gain a better understanding of events like Christmas, and help them to have the best memories ever.

"Christmas is what God says it is all about, not what Westfield says it is."

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