As ABC radio prepares to broadcast a series of talks to get Australians talking about Jesus, media evangelist Dominic Steele is in a unique position to see the result firsthand.

Every Tuesday Mr Steele (pictured) runs a Bible forum at the ABC, which for the next six weeks will coincide with the broadcast of Archbishop Peter Jensen's Boyer Lectures, "The Future of Jesus', on Radio National.

"It's an extraordinary opportunity for people working in the ABC for the Archbishop of Sydney to be broadcasting through the speakers in their building," Mr Steele says.

"The Christians there are looking to take personal opportunities to talk to friends based on what he says, and will be encouraged by his bold statements."

Posters advertising the broadcasts will be hung in lifts at the ABC's Ultimo headquarters and Mr Steele is exploring ways to discuss the ideas raised in the lectures with the people he meets at the national broadcaster.

His Christians in the Media ministry, based at Annandale Anglican Church, is also placing posters in that suburb's cafes and shops.

Meanwhile, promotional leaflets will be sent to every Anglican Church in Sydney Diocese this week.

Dr Jensen says in his introduction to the lectures that he wants to "provoke a national debate' about the Jesus of the gospels.

He says Jesus is more important to the Australian values of "a fair go' and "mateship' than the stories of the Eureka Stockade and Gallipoli and in forgetting him Australians risk losing our core values now and in the future.

He aims to inspire widespread adult reading of the gospels and recognition of the significance of Jesus for a modern world in which religion is increasingly on the agenda.

Dr Jensen calls on both major political parties to look carefully at their notions of contemporary liberalism and to re-examine their parties' origins, values and the freedoms they advocate in the context of the changing society. "Can we trust each other to use our freedom well? Will my freedom to bargain be at the expense of your ability to look after your family?'

This year marks the 46th anniversary of the Boyer Lectures. Each year the ABC Board invites a prominent Australian or group of Australians to present six talks expressing their thoughts on major social, cultural, scientific or political issues. The lectures continue to stimulate thought, discussion and debate on a wide range of subjects.

The 2005 Boyer Lectures, The Future of Jesus, are broadcast weekly on ABC Radio National each Sunday from 13 November at 5pm, repeated the following Tuesday at 1pm.


Click here for more information on the Boyer Lectures

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