On the first anniversary of Barney’s burning down Ian Powell is igniting the flames of fiery debate.

St Barnabas', Broadway is holding a special event tonight called "The Dawkins Delusion: two professors and a priest " a public forum'.

To commemorate the anniversary of the fire that burnt down the Barneys buildings one year ago tonight, the church will hold the forum at The Broadway Café this evening (Wednesday, May 9) at 7pm.

"We hope it will be a vigorous time where people will have a go and ask some tough some questions," says rector, the Rev Ian Powell.

"And we are encouraging our people not to come unless they have a non-Christian with them."

There will be readings from Richard Dawkins' book, The God Delusion, an interview with University of Sydney Chemistry Professor Jeffrey Reimers and a talk from the Professor of Physics at the University of Queensland, Ross Mackenzie on "Science and God'.

Mr Powell will also share some thoughts on matters of God and science. And finally, there will be over an hour allocated for questions and debate from anyone present.

"Many of us were brought up with the myth of the inherent conflict between science and Christianity so this will prove to be a stimulating and informative night," he says.

The cost is $15, or $10 for concessions, which includes a drink at the bar.  Mr Powell is boldly offering a money back guarantee to any unsatisfied attendees.

"If anyone who comes thinks it's a waste of time and is not happy with the night, we'll give them their money back."

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