Christian Comics 2005 is an anthology of the winners and selected entries from the first international christian comic competition and exhibition organised by the American based comic ministry COMIX35.

Entries from twenty countries including Australia grace the pages. Styles vary from "Manga' to "Noddy' and all points between.

Probably the most suprising and interesting comics come from the pens of young people. Both the writing and the drawing have an edge that is just a bit shocking to traditional church members.

These comics are true reflections of the slightly dark, angst informed post-post modern society where the christian church finds itself. The message is there, the gospel is pictorially proclaimed so the church would do well to respect and embrace this change in the look of our productions.

The review is published and sold by COMIX35 and can purchased via the web by emailing COMIX35 or by mailing a request to POBox 27470 Albuquerque NM87125-7470, USA.

The editor and publisher, Nate Butler of Comix35 is coming to Australia to head up a "Christian Comic Corroberee' training seminar to be held in Sydney at the Mission to Seafarers on the last three days of May this year(29,30,31st).

Christian communicators, editors, writers and artists would certainly benefit from this event which promises that in “3 days you will create a comic”.

Details and applications are available from Youthworks on 02-82683333 or by emailing Graham Wade.

Graham Wade is one of Australia’s most talented and enduring Christian visual communicators responsible for countless evangelistic illustrations, artworks, film and video productions.


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