George Statheos will be leaving the books behind as he "skips school' to attend the Commonwealth Games which start in Melbourne today.

The senior chaplain at Penrith Anglican College is swapping ministry to high school students for elite athletes for the next 12 days as he joins over 40 chaplains in Melbourne for the 2006 Commonwealth Games.

Together, they will minister to the 4000 athletes, 1500 officials and 1000 village staff.

"I have toured with rugby teams and I coach athletics at school but I have never had the opportunity to work with international athletes before," George says.

The chaplain has personal experience in elite athletics, having competed in high jump at the national level.

As a first-time elite sports chaplain, George has talked extensively with Sports Chaplaincy Australia chaplains Stuart Gyngell, Nett Knox and David Tyndall who will be joining him in Melbourne.

They have a wealth of chaplaincy experience to offer from previous Olympic and Commonwealth Games.

"My preparation for Melbourne has involved talking a lot with Stuart and David who have been terrific in creating a structure that enables us to help Christian athletes," George says.

Bible studies will be key to supporting athletes

George says the Bible studies will be the key place for supporting Christian athletes.

"It's been a positive thing for the evangelicals that are going because we are running the Bible studies," he says.

"Lots of Africans in particular want to know where the Bible studies are."

George's wife, Dimity spoke to George very recently and says George has already had opportunities to minister to athletes before the Games have commenced.

"On Saturday night some South African athletes turned up to the religious centre and asked to do a Bible study," Dimity says.

Dimity will be leaving for Melbourne on Thursday morning to join George.

"George rang me and asked me to bring some EMU Music worship CDs down because the African athletes want some songs to sing to," she says.

George says he will use sporting analogies straight from the Bible to encourage Christian athletes.

"The studies I have prepared are on Paul writing about how physical training is of some value, but training as Christians is of eternal value,” he says.

"I will be using biblical parallels about pressing on towards the goal. As athletes press on in a race, Paul encourages us to press on in the Christian life as heaven is our finish line."

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