Sydney Anglicans’ most popular author has been given an unprecedented opportunity to take the gospel to a sceptical nation.

The Rev Dr John Dickson says he is "very excited' to be handed the new role of Evangelist and Writer in Residence with Anglican Youthworks.

"It shows a lot of flexibility on the part of the Diocese," he says, adding with a laugh, "I always thought there was only one job here for a minister!"

"Parish ministry requires a particular wiring " while I've always felt I was wired to be an evangelist to the sceptics."

"As much as I have loved full-time parish ministry, I feel very ready for the challenge of bringing the gospel to the sceptics."

Dr Dickson's eight books, focusing on the relevance of faith in the modern world, have sold in excess of 160,000 copies.

A spectator's guide to world religions " an introduction to the big five won the 2005 Christian Book of the Year.
So it is not surprising that Youthworks CEO, Alan Stewart, is pleased to have him on board.

“We are very pleased to offer John this position, which will allow him to use his gifts in gospel preaching in the written and spoken word,” he says.

“Over the past 2 years, John has spent 6 months each year writing for Blue Bottle Books.  Our aim is to allow John to research, write and speak as much as he is able and to interact with the non-Christian world, both personally and at the level of ideas. 

“We are praying that God will bless this venture over the next 3 years to see many people come to know the Lord Jesus through John’s preaching and writing.”

It is the opportunity Youthworks has given Dr Dickson to expand the speaking-side of his evangelism ministry that also particularly enthuses him.

"I would like people in the diocese to know that I am now freed up and ready to preach the gospel for them," he says.

Mr Stewart says Dr Dickson's latest offering, A spectator's guide to Jesus " an introduction to the man from Nazareth, is poised to "break new ground' impacting both the Christian and mainstream markets in the lead-up to Christmas.

"It has been picked up by the secular book stores," he says.

True to its title, this book is a popular-level historical introduction to the life and teaching of Jesus, written for the average "spectator' rather than the academic or religious believer.

A spectator's guide to Jesus will be available November 2005 from Blue Bottle Books.

But it is not as if Dr Dickson will get rich from his writing success.

"John is being paid a clergy stipend and no more," says Mr Stewart.

"Any profits will be ploughed back into reaching more people with the gospel, as part of Youthworks commitment to furthering the Mission."

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