So, earlier this year I was told that as part of the Year 13 Youthworks Gap Year we would be travelling to Fiji. After hearing that the duration of the trip would be one month, I was worried. I was not looking forward to leaving my friends and family in Australia for so long, because I have such a close relationship with them. 

Then a couple weeks ago, as we did our intensive preparation week I was hit by the reality of the Fiji trip and I began to start dwelling on the fact that I was going to be away from my close family and friends for ONE MONTH! Due to me being rather close to them I started to feel overwhelmed and nervous. I was a bit scared of leaving them and a bit sad about not spending my birthday with them.

But I am excited to form new relationships with the Fijians. And I am especially excited to interact with the children over there and get a taste of what life is like for them. I am also really excited to get a taste of village life, to visit orphanages and spend time sharing Jesus with the youth and children.

I am especially excited to partner alongside the churches in Fiji and do work and to help out where I can. This will mainly occur during the Local Church Mission week where we as a team of 10 will do ministry in schools, churches and in the local community. I love children and youth and have a real passion to minister to them. I am really keen to be encouraged and to encourage the youth in Fiji through youth group and bible study, and to impact the younger kids through Scripture and the kids activities.

I am apprehensive about the home stays and living in the homes of local Fijians. For me they are complete strangers and I will not be used to the idea of having to sleep in a strange place for a couple nights. I am a little bit nervous about some of the animals that will be there, as I do not have a good relationship with animals! I heard there are a lot of dogs, which I am rather terrified of. I am also scared of getting sick I do not want to be sick in a foreign place. Did I say, I am a little bit upset that I will not be able to spend time with the family for my birthday?

I am looking forward to meeting new people and being equipped with the skills we need to help and serve the Fijians. I am looking forward to partnering with the local churches and serving in various ways through drama, music and teaching and also making relationships with the local Fijian Christians. I am looking forward to spreading the good news of the Bible amongst the Fijians and sharing God’s love with all of them. 

My heart is to see people grow in the knowledge of Christ and showing his love to everyone. I am also looking forward to meeting some of the local Fijian Youth leaders who will be attending the leadership conferences as we share biblical knowledge and help those Pastors to be well-equipped for their local churches.

In fact, I am so keen to be serving there now, that the closer the date gets the more excited I get! And the happier I feel about looking at the bigger picture which is serving others to enhance the kingdom of God, bringing Christ to those who are oppressed and persecuted and living for Jesus on a daily basis. This mission is for Jesus and I am so ready to spread his word amongst the Fijians and plant a seed into their lives.

I am very excited to serve and I will try and put all the nerves behind me and continuously dwell on the reason I am going - which is all about JESUS!

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