St Matthew's Greystanes-Merrylands West is one parish putting its joggers on for the Bible League's annual Walk4Bibles event this Saturday, 31 March.

"I think many Christians are appalled when they discover the levels of persecution and hardship being faced by our brothers and sisters in many parts of the world," says rector, the Rev Colin Mackellar.

"As Christians, we can be very insular and assume that everywhere is just as it is here."

This is the primary reason Colin is encouraging members of his congregation to "take steps' to help brothers and sisters around the world, by taking part in Walk4Bibles. 

This year, young and old members from Greystanes-Merrylands West will walk either 7 or 14km through Sydney Olympic Park, in aid of Christians who don't have access to the Bible.

Bible League reports that in remote rural provinces of China, one Bible is usually shared among 10 Christians.

In China alone there are 50 million Christians without their own Bible, and in some cases a whole church will share one Bible. 

"Here in Sydney we are so wonderfully blessed," says Colin.

"We can worship without fear of persecution and hear faithful teaching in our churches.

"Yet literally millions of Christians around the world are persecuted and don't even own a Bible. This makes them susceptible to false teaching."

Having participated in the past two years, Colin recalls that many from his church easily finished the "short stroll' through Sydney Olympic Park by lunchtime. 

He says the walk was a good opportunity to spend time together and meet other Christians.

"Last year our youth group especially enjoyed calculating how many Bibles their sponsorship money raised and how many people that reached out to," says Colin.

According to Bible League, every $7 raised on Saturday will place one Bible into the hands of a persecuted Christian in China.

In 2005 walkers provided over 7,500 persecuted Christians with their own Bibles, while in 2006, the figure grew to 15,780.

"When we hear how the Lord can use even one copy of the Bible, we count it a privilege to be involved in helping others to read God's word for themselves," says Colin. 

"As a ministry that seeks to make God's living word available to persecuted believers, Bible League is worthy of our support."

For registration kits or details about WALK4BIBLES elsewhere in Brisbane, Hobart, Launceston, Melbourne, Perth and Toowoomba, visit

Glendon Mar is employed by Bible League - Australia

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