U2's Bono makes much of the physical poverty in Africa but Jono Vink wants to address the continent's spiritual hunger.

CMS missionaries in Tanzania, Jono and Amy Vink have spent the last three years helping meet the peoples’ spiritual needs.
In a provocative and soul-searching seminar being given at the CMS Globe World Mission Day tomorrow (June 23), Jono will ask whether humanitarian and spiritual mission can work hand-in-hand in Africa.

"What is more important, to ‘make poverty history’ or ‘to make Christ known’? Should Christians be doing a word-based ministry as well as humanitarian ministry? Are the two compatible within the church? Is humanitarian work to those outside the church "ministry'?" he asks.

"I think we would have to agree that it is part of the church's work to look after the brothers and sisters in poverty around the world who are within the church."

Jono also believes that Christians need to be involved in humanitarian work and says several biblical texts highlight this concern.

"In Matthew 25 Jesus says, "Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers, you did for me". In Luke 16 the Rich Man in Jesus' parable is condemned for neglecting Lazarus."

The Vinks are on home assignment for six months, but have spent the last three years in Mara, in north-west Tanzania near Kenya.

Jono says it has been good to experience the extreme poverty of Tanzania.

"The majority of my work has been word-based ministry amongst the village leaders. It has been valuable for me to experience hospitality and generosity of the people of the Tanzanian church," he says.

"Despite living in what we would perceive as poverty, I have seen God active in another country and culture totally different from our own."

Jono also hopes to challenge those present to be more generous towards CMS and other mission and humanitarian aid organisations.

"I hope people will be challenged about their wealth and resources " physical and educational and spiritual " and use them for building God's kingdom," he says.

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