Fancy some time in the Mediterranean? How about some ministry experience in the Spanish context? CMS missionaries Ralph and Kylie Whitten are inviting Sydney Anglicans to lend a hand at their church's Summer International Youth Camp.

“Maybe you'll already be in Spain and have a spare two weeks? Maybe you're interested in ministry here? This would be a great opportunity,” says Kylie Whitten.

Ralph and Kylie minister at an Anglican church in Seville as well as working with students at the local university.

They will be assisting in coordinating the event for international youth and students at the church camp site on the east coast of Spain.

“We are looking for younger people who can just be there, especially as encouragers to get alongside the youth,” Mr Whitten says.

The Youth Camp runs from August 15-24 this year.

“Australian volunteers could help with the planned outreach event in the local village, using any musical, drama, visiting, and evangelistic skills they might have,” Mr Whitten says.

Kylie Whitten says they are aiming to recruit short-term missionaries between the ages of 16 and 30.

“Mature Christians could lead bible study group activities. Spanish is not essential, but helpful,” she says.

“We know it's a long trip over here, but you never know! Maybe you have friends in Spain or Europe who would be interested in the camp.”

The camp will be held at Alcocebre, Castellon, on the Mediterranean coast.

After costs relating to being in Spain, the camp fee of EUR150 covers everything.

People interested in volunteering are encouraged to email the Whittens directly.

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