22 Moore College staff and students have returned from a successful mission in Bangkok where a partnership with a local church saw teams encounter the most desperate members of South East Asian society.

The mission, carried out in conjunction with Christ Church Bangkok, marked the beginning of the second century the congregation has been reaching out to Thailand.

Christ Church Bangkok has ministries that encompass three languages and various different social groups.

Several women from the Moore College team assisted with "The Rahab Beauty Salon' " a crucial "shop front' ministry to the city's infamous red light district.

"It's very distressing" says Sarah Kinstead, "not just that there's so many vulnerable girls caught up in this, but that there's so many men willing to take advantage of them."

"It's fantastic that Rahab exists where it does, right in the heart of the area, to show Christ's love to these women, and change their lives," she says.

Christ Church Bangkok also ministers to expatriates from an English-speaking background living and working in Bangkok, as well as the Karen people, refugees who have sought shelter in Thailand.

Seven members of the Moore College team " Rev. Mozz O'Sullivan, Naomi Hudson, Gillian Law, Stephen Shearsby, Andrew Beddoe, Tho Luu and Alastair Chiu "spent the last week with Karen refugees at the border, running Bible studies and training pastors.

Two team members " David Fell and Cameron Johnston "travelled south to the region of Thailand devastated by the Boxing Day tsunami to assist with relief efforts and report on the use of funds provided by Sydney Anglicans.

Team member Robin Kinstead says students have been amazed by the Gospel opportunities.

"Thai people are vibrant and engaging, and they have a willingness to talk and share their lives with us, which allows us to talk openly about the faith we have in Jesus, and the love he has for them," he says.

Vicar of Christ Church, Rev Andrew Dircks, says he's been encouraged and impressed by the mission team's servant attitude as well as their dedication to the Bible.

"I'm delighted with the contacts that the team members are making, and how they're looking for opportunities," Mr Dircks says.

"It's also my prayer that this will stimulate many members of the team " and through them, other people " to be thinking more seriously about ministry overseas."

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