Shane Dirks is proof that you don't need a university degree to make it at Moore Theological College.

The former car salesman was one of the 95 students honoured at the Moore College graduation ceremony at the Town Hall last night.

Over 900 family, friends and supporters watched as students received recognition for completing high levels of theological study.

Since completing high school Shane has sold cars, bicycles and even been a bronze-medal-winning cyclist at the Oceania Games. However, having not studied at a tertiary level before entering College, Shane says he was in a minority among the student body.

"I don't need to exaggerate to say most other guys at College would have doubled if not tripled my HSC score. I don't think I'm an idiot, but I came to College underdone," he says.

However, Shane says he received all the help he needed while at College that has now seen him graduate four years later.

"I'm a "westie', I was a car salesman, I didn't go to uni, and College was a challenge, but there is a great faculty who will help you and many students past and present who you can learn from," he says.

Shane is the new assistant minister at Dapto Anglican Church, but his journey with Christ began 12 years ago as a curious Merrylands High School student.

"I always thought of myself as Christian but I wanted to believe in God on my terms," Shane admits.

"Late in Year 11 my friends started talking about God as though they knew him. They were talking about giving Jesus control of your life. I thought they were becoming extremists."

Shane says as his friends shared the gospel with him and prayed for him God began to soften his heart. He gave his life to Jesus at an Inter-School Christian Fellowship (ISCF) lunchtime group during Year 12 in 1995.

Shane says the words of older, wiser people such as his Bible study leader at St Anne's, Merrylands encouraged him to explore full-time ministry.

"Being in motor industry sales gave me skills in communication that now help me promote the gospel," Shane says.

"But the product I am selling now is better because it's perfect. It never lets you down, the service department never offends and the sales manager closes every deal. My job is just to present," he laughs.

Shane looks after the 7:15pm congregation at Dapto Anglican Church with a major responsibility in ministering to young adults.

Of the 95 people who graduated, 38 received a Bachelor of Divinity, 28 received a Bachelor of Theology, nine received Masters of Theology and 21 received a Diploma of Bible and Mission. Of the 95 graduates, 28 were female.

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