South Sydney rectors received a "free gift" this month to make property matters easier.

The Rev Andrew Katay, rector of St John's, Ashfield, was one of the regional church leaders to receive a copy of "The Guidelines for Property Development".

The guidelines were put together by the South Sydney Regional Council, in close conjunction with the Church Property Trust, and were sent to all South Sydney parishes.

Talks are underway to distribute the guidelines more widely.

Archdeacon of South Sydney, Deryck Howell, says the significant property issues facing parishes in his region prompted the production of the guidelines, which he calls a "free gift".

"Many parishes have been "turned around' spiritually in the last decade, but now face the hard task of dealing with the needs for space, income-producing assets, and more adequate property resources for ministry."

The guidelines outline the process of property development, from the initial concept, to the management of the finished property, and include general information and resources available to parishes.

Archdeacon Deryck Howell says the guidelines are designed to "help the "average' newly-elected parish councillor who is on a council dealing with a property development or refurbishment to be able to understand the process." 

St John's, Ashfield is one of a number of parishes exploring ways of maintaining and upgrading their property to make ministry easier.

"We've done the first thing, which is to bring the interior of our church building right up to scratch, so it's a warm, welcoming building that enhances a warm, welcoming ministry," says Andrew.

He says the property guidelines will be a helpful asset, especially as St John's considers future projects such as refurbishing the church hall, which is used for mothers' group, Sunday School, prayer meetings and youth groups.

Andrew says the flow diagram outlining the property development process helps churches undertaking property projects to plan their spending and avoid being caught out by hidden expenses.

"It's very simple and easy to follow - it's a step-by-step program" that tells you when money will need to be spent."

Deryck says that, as almost every parish in the region has "significant property complexities", he hopes the guidelines will be "of great use".

"We have tried to provide a manual which leads a parish from ideas to completion, all in language and a style understandable by the newly elected member of a parish council who has goodwill and motivation, but little knowledge of property matters."

Says Deryck, church properties play a big part in ministry, whether they are heritage sites or new buildings.

"Church properties can be great assistants in the creation and growth of congregations and fellowships of God’s people, or they can cause us great despair and hamper much good work."

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