Dan and Helen King have journeyed north of the border for the Moore College Graduation ceremony this Monday.

Dan is one of the record 123 people who are graduating on Monday night at the Sydney Town Hall, but he and his wife have had to come up from Melbourne to attend the event.

Dan has taken up a role with the Australian Fellowship of Evangelical Students (AFES) as a staff worker at Melbourne's Monash University where he is ministering to international students and medical students.

"There are 8500 international students at Monash " about one in four students on campus," Dan says.

"I believe the university has the highest number of international students of any Australian campus."

Dan became Christian through university student ministry while studying Medicine at UNSW over a decade ago.

"When I began my degree I wasn't Christian. I benefited from uni ministry myself after hearing the gospel in second year and "changing allegiances'," Dan laughs.

Dan says he and Helen were not sure which ministry they would get into when Dan entered college for years ago

"We had a view to doing overseas mission work, but after I worked with Focus church at UNSW as a student minister last year we got excited about ministry to international students," Dan says.

"We realised there was a huge mission field right on our door step."

Dan is one of seven Moore College graduates who will commence work with AFES this year.

Memories of Moore

Dan says he has benefited enormously from the four years he spent completing a Bachelor of Divinity at Moore College.

"The centrality of the scriptures was reinforced and it was a great place to get in touch with the original languages of the scriptures," he says.

"The lecturers there were outstanding " not just their knowledge and intelligence but their humility. I really saw what it meant to be a servant leader while at college."

Dan says he is looking forward to Monday's graduation ceremony.

"It's exciting to be graduating in this auspicious year with Moore's 150th celebrations going on," he says.

"And since we are no longer in Sydney, it will be the final moment with all my close buddies from College. It's going to be nice to see them again."

To learn more about AFES and support their ministry go to www.afes.org.au