Greg Middleton and the team from Gospel Outreach Ministries (G.O.M.) are serious about connnecting Australians with the risen Christ. Hence the Great News Australia Initiative.

In partnership with the Bible Society (NSW), G.O.M. have devised a programme that will provide training, resources and a schedule for the evangelisation of local communities in 2006 (and beyond).

And there is no charge!

Individuals, churches and organisations need only register for the initiative.  Once they’ve signed-up,  participants can download evangelistic courses, brochures, tips on faith-sharing and the like. In addition, a 12 month plan (prayer, training, visitation, special events) is also available.

Mr. Middleton’s dream is that “churches around the country will simply click on to the link and join with hundreds of believers in this period of focused evangelism”.  He is also hoping that the resource will be picked up by groups in other countries as the material is simple in presentation and easily adapted to a variety of contexts.

The Great News Australia Initiative was launched on Friday October 21 by the Reverend Daniel Willis, CEO Bible Society, NSW. In making Bibles available at minimal cost for this venture, Mr Willis likened the project to the bicentennial Bible distribution 17 years ago. As people came to faith from reading the Scriptures in 1988, Mr Willis believes that the Great News Australia Initiative will produce similar fruit.

A select range of evangelistic books and other training materials are also available through the Great News Australia web site.

I am not aware of any other programme quite like this one - no cost, no strings, and I commend it to you.