Let me start with a disclaimer, The Outreach Masterplan refers to the plan that one local church has adopted. This is not a template for every church though some of the ideas are transferable.

With a new Vision and a carefully articulated set of core values, St. Paul’s Chatswood in 2006 launched a mission and outreach program. In 2007 the program was expanded and a copy of the full year’s plan is available in the PDF contained in the fact box above.

Basically this ‘masterplan’ comprises the following elements:

In addition to regular corporate prayer in services and small groups, specific times of prayer are set aside in the calendar.
"¢ On the first Sunday of every month, the parish gathers for general prayer
"¢ Lent and Advent prayer takes place (in these seasons) each Wednesday at 7.00am. We pray for revival (and in so doing pray for specific people and events).
"¢ A Men’s Prayer Breakfast is held on the first Saturday of every month where the men are encouraged to meet for food, fellowship and prayer.
"¢ Prayer and fasting are held following a Maundy Thursday meal through to the Good Friday service.

Formal training in evangelism and outreach is set down for Tuesday nights:
"¢ On a rolling cycle we use the ‘Friends For Life’ and ‘Just Walk Across the Room’ packages. They are beautifully produced DVD courses.
"¢ We also have in place on-off training events for Kids E.E, Chinese E.E, Kids Games, Child Protection, Door Knocking, Letterbox dropping.
"¢ Each year we take a small team to another diocese for mission. Training is set down (over 5 weeks) for team members.

Evangelistic Courses
Often referred to as ‘process evangelism ’ this year, on a rolling cycle, we’re offering the following courses on Thursday nights:
"¢ Jesus All About Life
"¢ Alpha Express
"¢ Chinese Alpha
"¢ Christianity Explored
"¢ E.S.L.: The Bible, Christianity and the Church.
Evangelistic Events
Outreach events are planned in advance so that people have both a prayer and an action focus. They include:
"¢ 11 ‘Invitation’ services throughout the year
"¢ Lead up events to Easter and Christmas (everything from Jazz concerts to beer tasting - see PDF)
"¢ Soft entry community events including outdoor cinema, cricket workshops, classical recitals and a range of dinner events
Special Courses
Throughout the year we’re offering ‘needs-based’ programs to our local community. In small groups outsiders will meet believers and hopefully ‘redemptive’ relationships will be formed. On offer are:
"¢ The Marriage Course (7 weeks)
"¢ Grief Share (13 weeks)
"¢ Everything you wanted to know about taxation
"¢ Understanding and recognizing alcoholism
"¢ Freedom in Christ

The ‘Outreach Master Plan’ is administered by a full-time honorary pastor, Deb Gould. Deb also works with course leaders to ensure that publicity is to hand, invitations are ready and the letterbox drop team are ready to roll.

I wouldn’t expect every church to do all that we do (though some do much more). The purpose of this piece is to offer some ideas that might work in other contexts. Deb Gould consults with churches in developing masterplans (and is in the process of writing a book on the topic). Deb can be contacted on 9419 2200.

Stuart Robinson is the National Mission Facilitator for the Anglican Church of Australia and the rector of St Paul’s Anglican Church, Chatswood.