St Matthew's, Ashbury is Sydney's newest provisional parish thanks to the assistance of Summer Hill.


Parish: Ashbury
Region: South Sydney

Curate in Charge of St Matthew's, Ashbury, the Rev Peter Sholl once went for a job as a researcher for the ABC's television science show Quantum.

"They got me to write some stories as part of the application process. I didn't get the job but about four months later I saw my stories on the show. They even threw in the one-liners I put in there. I said "I wrote that!' I thought that was so rude."

Peter Sholl can look back and laugh at that moment, but recent events have tested Mr Sholl's ability to act quickly and lovingly towards those in need.

Tragedy strikes
At 3:10am on October 24, 14-year-old Ashfield Boys High School student, Dennis Leaeno, was killed after an allegedly stolen car crashed into a tree near the St Matthew's church building. The story received national coverage in the press, but Mr Sholl had to deal with the personal side of the tragedy.

"A teenage driver hit a tree on the corner and one of the passengers had been killed. There were other guys in the car and they had left in the shock and confusion of the accident."

The next day, 150 high school students who were friends of the boy descended on the area outside the church, not knowing what else to do. Mr Sholl invited them into the church and on the spur of the moment spoke on John 11.

"I invited a few of them to speak, which they did very well. They reflected on their friend. Then I led them in prayer for them and for the boy's family," Mr Sholl says.

New beginning
After falling on difficult times, St Matthew's, Ashbury amalgamated with St Andrew's, Summer Hill in 1997.

In January 2003 the Inner West Bible Fellowship, a congregation from St Matthias', Centennial Park which had been meeting in a local school hall was planted in St Matthew's, Ashbury. They became the church's new morning and evening congregations. Since then, St Matthew's has seen increasing growth.

At this year's Synod Ashbury separated from Summer Hill and will receive the status of provisional parish from January.

Archdeacon of South Sydney Deryck Howell, thanked God for the "selflessness, gospel heartedness and mission-mindedness' of Summer Hill. He called them "the unsung heroes' in helping Ashbury stand on its own feet. 

The Rev Trevor Oakley, Rector of Summer Hill, spoke of the sadness he and his parish felt at losing Ashbury, but said it was for the greater good of the mission.

"Surely all that matters is the kingdom of God is being established and Christians are meeting regularly," Mr Oakley said.

Kid's ministry
Peter Sholl describes Ashbury, situated between Ashfield and Canterbury as a "very suburban suburb'. Ashbury Public School is full, an indication that the suburb contains many young families. Much of the church's ministry focuses on this demographic.

"One of the main ways to reach the area is through kids' ministry. We've put resources into teaching scripture at the local school. We have a playgroup on Monday morning for kids up to five. On Tuesday afternoon we have kids' club for primary school children," Mr Sholl says.

The kids' club called "Kasam!' (Kids After School At Matt's) started with fours kids and now has around 20.

Bible study
Mr Sholl is pleased by the large participation of congregation members in Bible study groups.

"Most people are in a group which is excellent. It's the culture we inherited from St Matthias',  [which] we have encouraged and perpetuated."

Prayer has also been incorporated effectively into parish life. Once a term, all Bible study meetings are cancelled for a combined church prayer meeting.

"Everyone comes to church and we pray for things of world, national and local concern. It's a good opportunity to think and pray for evangelistic things we're involved in," Mr Sholl says.

First wedding
Martin and Ildi are originally from Eastern Europe " Martin from Czechoslovakia and Ildi from Hungary. After coming to church, hearing the Bible taught, attending Bible study and doing Christianity Explained, Mr Sholl says Martin and Ildi realised they needed to turn to Jesus. "One of the tangible changes as result of becoming Christians was their decision to get married. Their wedding was the first I ever did," Mr Sholl says.

Mr Sholl has developed a culture of training at St Matthew's. Sunday afternoons at 5pm are set aside for weekly training hours.
"We run ministry courses on topics like leading groups, reading the Bible in church, leading in public prayer or we'll use material like 2 Ways to Live," he says. "We have a training course of some sort running all year. We publish the syllabus and people can choose the one they want.  I'm encouraging people to do one training course a year for four to six weeks a year."